Chain Slings


Chain Slings


Why Trinity Chain Slings?

Trinity Sling offers both mechanical and welded chain sling assemblies. All overhead lifting chain slings are made to the standards of ASME B30.9.
Mechanical chain slings are the most flexible and cost-effective chain slings, and they are also faster and easier to repair or modify to meet customer needs. Trinity Sling is proud to use and distribute Columbus McKinnon (CM) chain and chain sling components for its overhead lifting chain slings. CM chain and chain components are Made in America.

Verification and Tracking

Overhead lifting chain slings must be made from grades 80, 100 or 120 to meet ASME B30.9 standards. All three of the grades of chain are marked directly on the links for grade verification. All chain slings are tagged with a Working Load Limit (WLL) that includes a minimum 4 to 1 design factor. Trinity Sling’s durable tags show all relevant WLL’s, have a unique serial number, and have an RFID chip, as well, for InfoChip integration.

Periodic Inspection and Recertification

Overhead lifting chain slings require a periodic inspection. Trinity Sling recommends that all chain slings used for overhead lifting be inspected and recertified on an annual basis at minimum. Trinity Sling’s chain sling re-certification process includes a link by link inspection and proof test that assures all chain slings will perform according to their design factors. The periodic inspection is also a good time to make certified repairs and modifications.


Chain Sling Specs

90° 60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30°
Grade 120 Alloy Temperature Resistance
9/32” 5200 9000 7400 5200 13500 11000 7800
3/8” 10600 18400 15000 10600 27500 22500 15900
1/2” 17900 31000 25300 17900 46500 38000 26900
Grade 100 Alloy
7/32” 2700 4700 3800 2700 7000 5700 4000
9/32” 4300 7400 6100 4300 11200 9100 6400
5/16” 5700 9900 8100 5700 14800 12100 8500
3/8” 8800 15200 12400 8800 22900 18700 13200
1/2” 15000 26000 21200 15000 39000 31800 22500
5/8” 22600 39100 32000 22600 58700 47900 33900
3/4” 35300 61100 49900 35300 91700 74900 53000
7/8” 42700 74000 60400 42700 110900 90600 64000
1” 59700 103400 84400 59700 155100 126600 89550
Grade 80 Alloy
7/32” 2100 3600 3000 2100 5500 4400 3200
9/32” 3500 6100 4900 3500 9100 7400 5200
5/16” 4500 7800 6400 4500 11700 9500 6800
3/8” 7100 12300 10000 7100 18400 15100 10600
1/2” 12000 20800 17000 12000 31200 25500 18000
5/8” 18100 31300 25600 18100 47000 38400 27100
3/4” 28300 49000 40000 28300 73500 60000 42400
7/8” 34200 59200 48400 34200 88900 72500 51300
1” 47700 82600 67400 47700 123900 101200 71500
1-1/4 72300 125200 102200 72300 187800 153400 108400

Reference: Above Drawings – Pewag Industrial Catalog # IND08, Copyright © by pewag International GmbH. All rights reserved, worldwide.

Reference: Chart  Grade 120 –  Pewag Industrial Catalog # IND08, Copyright © by pewag International GmbH. All rights reserved, worldwide.

Reference: Chart Grade 100 and Grade 80 – Chain and Rigging Attachments (CMRP-6) Catalog, © 2017 Columbus McKinnon Corporation.